Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lasting Impressions...

About a year or so ago I joined facebook based on a recommendation from a friend who thought it was one of the easiest ways he had come across to stay in contact with current friends and to link up with old ones. It sounded pretty cool so I jumped on it. So far I've had nothing but good experiences.. I've had the chance to stay up to date with what all my good homies are doing and have reconnected with some people from my past who were near and dear to me. It's been great to see how so many of my friends from high school and beyond have blossomed into positive, productive, and professional beings.

A few days ago I got a friend request from a guy I went to elementary school with. Initially I looked at his profile picture and thought, I don't know him, and then looked at his name and thought ooooohhhhh I remember now. We weren't the tightest of the tight but he was cool peoples. I accepted his friend request and had intentions on sending him a "hey, how ya doing" but hadn't gotten around to it before he sent me a message. His message thanked me for accepting him as a friend and he went on to say that he had to have me as a friend because he had heard my name "just about everyday" (I'm sure it wasn't that much) from childhood to adulthood. He says that a mutual friend from school "never ever" stopped talking about me. He says "it was like you were Laura Winslow and he was Steve Erkle", now that was hilarious. He says "as I look back over life it's just one of those things that you first grin and then smile about". WOW!! I wasn't expecting that.

I messaged him back and told him that I thought that was really funny. I really didn't know what else to say about his comments except to ask if he still maintained contact with the mutual friend. I sent the message and for some reason I kept trying to remember the last time I'd talked to "Steve" (LOL) and if I was kind to him the last time we talked. See, we had a lil puppy love type thing going on in 5th grade or so, but in 6th grade I changed schools and we lost frequent contact. I remember that he would call me from time to time, but I have to admit that I don't remember if I was always the kindest when he did. Pre-teen/teen girls can be harsh at times, well at least I was, I had moved on and met new people and was doing new things. Throughout middle and high school he would call on occasion just to touch bases. To think about it, I also remember by brother telling me that he saw him a while back and that he asked about me.

Anywho, I get another message this morning that says that "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but "Steve" passed away about three years back"..My heart sank. He continues by saying that "that's why it was so important to me that I added you as a friend..because he spoke so highly of you". He says "I haven't seen you since grade school, but me and everybody else knows who you are thanks to "Steve". He was your biggest fan" WHAT?!? WOW!! I was stunned, First, I couldn't believe that he had passed and two that he had thought about me for so many years.!!

I find myself being overly emotional these days, but this whole thing really touched me. I thought to myself that maybe I had begun contemplating whether or not I had been nice to him the last time we had contact because I could sense something in this whole situation. I only went to school with "Steve" for two years in 4th and 5th grades and he "never ever" stopped talking about me, so his friend says.

I am reminded through this experience about the importance of being kind and compassionate to others, you just never know what kind of impression you may make on them.. This situation will be with me for awhile, and I have really learned so much from it. I am saddened by the loss, but vow to soften my heart to all those I come in contact with no matter what the situation. You just never know what kind of lasting impression you may make...



Unknown said... have left an impression with your words. Well done, chica!!

Unknown said...

So true!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Well said. You just never know how you impact others.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ms. Live, Love, Shine,

I saw where you wrote that you didnt share this blog with many people so i thought I should tell you how i found you. I saw your site as a referring source to my blog the other day so I checked our your Blog. I hope you don't mind. Thanks for checking out my blog and I hope that you continue to stop by.
